Make Money Matt: The Master of YouTube Automation

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Heard about Make Money Matt? The channel promising to fufill YouTube dreams? However, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. The clamor for YouTube stardom, and why Make Money Matt has such a huge audience.

Becoming a YouTube star is kind of like the new Hollywood status. So, it’s not surprising that you’d want to give it a try, I mean, what have you got to lose? It’s the number one dream job for people born in the 2010s for a reason. CNBC clearly states that, according to a study, “Today’s kids are three times more likely to aspire toward a career as a YouTuber rather than an astronaut.”

But of course, there is a kicker. Where there are lots of people, there is lots of competition as well. Research featured in the Observer states that only about 3% of YouTube channels make over $16,000 per year. Leaving the rest 97% with nothing but fierce competition. But let’s say that’s not enough to scare you and you decide to pursue YouTube regardless,

You soon come to realize that making a quality video could require hours of planning and research just to get a video idea. Let’s not forget, that you’ll still have to contend with Scriptwriting, Storyboarding, More planning, Pre-Production operations, Filming, Sound Recording, Video Editing, Sound Editing, and thumbnail designs. Phew. The list just goes on and on.

All these work on a platform where only 0.1% of creators actually find real success. You begin to doubt yourself. But, just as you’re about to give up on your dream, you hear about YouTube Automation — The Gamechanger. The amazing method that can help you create amazing videos without you even lifting a finger or even showing your face on your channel.

You do what anyone would do, of course same thing everyone would do embrace this technique with open hands. Or at the very least give it a try. However, you’ll need a teacher to show you the ropes before you go out on your own. Enter Matt Par, AKA Make Money Matt, one of the leading experts on YouTube Automation. He teaches newbies and experts invaluable insight on how they can attain stellar success on YouTube with almost all hands-off techniques. At least that’s what he says.

This video dives deep into Matt’s YouTube journey, exploring his story and teachings, the Controversy surrounding his persona, and of course, the merits of his YouTube automation course, if there is any at all. I have been on YouTube for the better part of the last 3 years, and I have gone through Matt Par’s YouTube Automation Course. At the end of the video, I would give an honest opinion on his course, and if it’s something you should spend any money on. That said, let’s get into the video

What Is YouTube Automation?

Before we take a peek at Make Money Matt and his mastery of YouTube automation, let’s explore the concept itself. For starters, YouTube automation involves creating a channel and expediting content creation and management by outsourcing all or most of your channel’s crucial operations. This could include part or all content generation phases like Script writing, Video editing, Thumbnail designs, and even Voiceovers.

With the rise of AI, YouTube Automation has also come to incorporate the technology in some form. Even VidIQ is its own complete AI generation platform. It’s a tool you definitely need if you are looking to take YouTube seriously. Click the link here, Creators now combine various AI software — Like VidIQ and their own human creativity to produce amazing content.

Contrary to popular opinion, while YouTube automation comes in handy for newbies looking to break into this complicated video-sharing platform we call YouTube, it’s also vital for established creators suffering from burnouts.

With YouTube automation, the main goal is reducing your involvement in a good chunk of the content creation process as much as possible without losing the quality of work. And as simple as the concept might seem if you have given it a try before, you might realize that it is actually time-consuming and costly, and of course, there is the risk that no profit would be made at all. This is where Matt Par, the owner of the Make Money Matt Channel comes in.

What You Need to Know About Matt Par

For a large platform like YouTube, the second-largest search engine in the world, it’s pretty difficult to rank for any given search term. But Matt Par consistently ranks when you search YouTube automation.

Matt began his YouTube journey as a 14-year-old. At the time, YouTube was a very young platform. Lots of videos went viral. He liked the idea, tried it out and it worked. Today though, that wouldn’t be the case, but let’s stay on topic. Matt had one problem though. He did not want to appear on Camera. And I can understand that because, I too do not want to appear on Camera, for many reasons I will get on to in a different video. Anyway, to sidestep this issue, Matt decided to make faceless videos, which eventually turned out to be one of the best decisions he made on his YouTube journey.

From one channel to the next, they were all faceless. Even the original videos on the Make Money Matt channel were all faceless. When the workload was too much, Matt began outsourcing some portions of the video creation to freelancers. Within five years of launching his YouTube career, Matt Par has been on the receiving end of multiple Silver Play Buttons and one Gold Play Button. This information is largely unverifiable but believable.

He has over 600 thousand subscribers on his main channel and it’s quite a challenge to grow that much on YouTube unless you know what you are doing. His reason for not sharing his other channels is to prevent people who are not interested in the content from going there only to click off after a few seconds, thus negatively affecting his watch time, and retention graph.

Tube Mastery and Optimization: Matt Par’s Golden Course!

Although you’d get a decent dose of YouTube monetization and automation strategies on the Make Money Matt channel, Matt Par has wrapped all his knowledge on this subject in a way that is easily digestible for beginners. He named this, Tube Mastery and monetization. If you have been on YouTube for a while as a creator, his content would be sufficient for you, but if you are a beginner, he goes over everything, from creating a brand new channel to systemizing how you create the content to the actual content creation and finally scheduling and publishing your videos.

This course has been quite the game-changer for Matt Par. Online sources and estimates suggest that the course generates around $100,000 monthly. And he has said in the past that he has made upwards of a million dollars from course sales alone.

So, what is the Tube Mastery and Monetization course all about? And is it a right fit for you?

The real question is, do you want to make YouTube a career? If the answer is no, then you should not buy this course. If your answer is yes, then, do you want to make faceless videos and avoid showing your face on camera? If the answer to this question is no, then maybe you are better off with say Ali Abdaal’s YouTube course. But if the answer is yes, then maybe Matt’s course would be useful for you.

Once you’ve subscribed for this course, you’ll have unlimited access to 70+ videos from Matt himself, an invite to a Facebook community with Matt, several templates and checklists, and bonus courses.

Matt Par’s Tube Mastery and Monetization course is divided into 8–10 different modules, with each consisting of four to five sub-modules. First, he welcomes you to Tube Mastery, talks a bit about how much money he has made, then talks about his process and strategy for YouTube, moves on to Niches, most importantly the profitable ones, and how to pick the best one for you. Then to set up your channel, generate videos, optimise and upload videos, scale your channel, outsource the content creation, a monetization module and a dedicated module for bonuses.

The bonuses are good in my opinion, not great, but good. They are a good place for a beginner to start. He offers access to the Tube Mastery Mastermind Group, a list of 100+ profitable niches including example channels, and a fill-in-the-blanks video script template which can be useful for creators who are not sure how to structure their content, and Tube channel case studies.

As of January 2024, Matt Par’s Tube Mastery and Monetization course goes for a one-time payment of $997; that said, you can also pay $336 in three instalments if that suits your finances. If you’d like to get in sync with what’s available in Matt’s Tube Mastery and Monetization course alongside other perks like weekly Q&A with Matt Par himself and text support with Matt, there’s an umbrella course tagged Tube Coaching that goes for $4,000 or three instalments of $1,444.

The Other Side of Matt Par: Master of YouTube Automation or Fluke That Garnered Traction?

Matt Par is not a saint and certainly has controversies around his name. This write-up would not be complete without this segment, so I thought I should throw this in as well.

If you Head to YouTube and insert the Matt Par scam/fraud keyword into the search engine; you’ll find tens of videos suggesting that Matt Par is a fraud and has been cashing out on the ignorance of his audience. The bulk of Matt Par’s accusations stem from his supposed The Time Traveller channel. In videos posted by this channel, purported time travelers are seen relaying incidents that’ll occur hundreds or thousands of years away from the present.

Personally, I do not see this as the worst thing in the world, but where I do have some concerns are allegations that he tried to coerce the person playing the time travel character in his videos to sign a non-disclosure agreement to ensure that no one ever found out that he/matt par was connected to the time traveler channel and its content.

Tube Mastery and Monetization has lots of mixed reviews. There are quite a number of testimonials saying positive things, and there are also a good number of individuals saying they’ve implemented the insights provided by the course’s videos without success. My take is that The course is useful. However, the YouTube landscape has changed greatly. The YouTube platform Matt Par competed in half a decade ago is quite different from the one we find ourselves competing in today.

Matt Par’s course is still useful, but there are a couple of tweaks you need to make in order to find success on YouTube today. These extra tweaks are answers I had to find on my own and if you purchase Tube Mastery and Monetization through this link here, I will send you Bonus videos from me, that will teach you the extras you need to make it in the current YouTube landscape. Just send proof of course to me via my Gmail, and I will send you the videos.

Parting Shot

Matt Par is an inspirational YouTuber who has dedicated his career to creating informational videos that’ll give upcoming content creators a money-making chance on the saturated video-sharing platform. Although some allegations have been levelled against him, his followership is still on an upward trajectory, indicating that he’s doing something that yields positive dividends for others.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something.

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